Friday, August 15, 2008


My DC friends (The Schelble's plus Greg Schelble) and I witnessed Michael Phelps' 7th gold medal win at a bar tonight. Unbelievable finish to a great race. The crowd made it far more exciting than watching it alone, like I watched his first couple of wins while I was in Baltimore earlier this week. Much funnier though, was his apparent discussion with Mark Spitz (Phelps' tied his record seven gold medals in one olympics with his win tonight). While everything seemed civil, we couldn't hear what was being said during a conversation that seemed to be painfully long to Phelps. While he looked like he was gracious enough, I do hope there was a certain amount of disdain for Spitz running through his head. No particular reason, the conversation I imagined was just funnier that way.


There was a lot of dicussion tonight on our favorite Democratic candidates for the 2008 election. I've been a big supporter for Hillary, but my support for Ms. Clinton has been shaken recently by her decision to make such a big showing at the DNC convention. I was hoping she'd be a more gracious loser and show more interest in making sure the right side won this time around. I'm seriously hoping that she wakes up and realizes that it would be in the best interest of the party for her to shut up and accept that she lost. If the democrats lose this election, we didn't deserve to win it.


While I'm really enjoying my time here in DC (actually, Alexandria, VA), I can't wait to get home. I'm really missing my wife, kids, my fish tank, and the cooler Minnesota temperatures.

can not describe the
comfort of A/C coolness
in DC humid heat

I know, I'll work on my creativity when I'm not sweating through my sheets.

1 comment:

PianoGirlAnn said...

Man, the democrats better not lose this election. If they do I'm fucking moving to Tasmania.